Aloe vera plant looks like a cactus at first glance; but this relative onion and lily family of plants. It is usually found in hot dry climates, where it thrives best. It is easily recognized by its thick prickly green leaves, and it is quite short leg. Growth of about 3 feet, leaves fan aloe vera plant from its inception in rose pattern.
There are usually anywhere from 22 to 29 leaves of aloe vera plant. And each letter can be about 40 cm long and 10 cm wide. These thick fleshy leaves, along with its short roots, keep plenty of water. Thus, faith aloe plant can go long periods without water. It's now grown to the natural advantages it provides, across the southern US, Mexico and parts of the Caribbean. Although there are over 200 different species of aloe, one that has the greatest economic impact seems Miller aloe - also known as aloe vera - aloe true meaning.
The good news is that aloe vera plant is easy to care for, both indoors or outdoors until it is exposed to frost or freezing temperatures. Aloe plants like a lot of sunlight, so that the light-filled window or sunny part of your garden would be ideal. However, they do not need much water. One of the easiest ways to kill your faith aloe plant is over watering. Remember, they are desert plants, and can be obtained from less water than other plants in your home.
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