The most modern medical offices equipped with aloe slim drink, lotion or capsule form. It is interesting to note, however, that there is nothing "new" about the age-old medical miracle of nature.
Many popular herbs from the plant Aloe. Originating from Africa, the aloe vera plant is also called "desert lily", "plant of immortality" and, appropriately, "plant medicine." The bitter liquid derived from the plant is the basis of the name "aloe", which translates in Arabic to "bitter taste".
Aloe slim drink is one of about 400 known species within the plant family known . Aloe is native to the arid regions of Africa and in the mountainous areas of tropical Africa. Classified as a succulent plant and is considered by many as a herb, the aloe vera plant is distinguished by its large, thick, fleshy leaves. Shaped like spears, the leaves have spines lining their margins and sharp peaks.
The use of aloe vera as a vegetable or medical treatment are evident as early as 1500 BC . It is believed that the aloe slim drink used this plant for the treatment of burns, infections and parasites.