
Easy Ways To Improve Your Skin Care With Aloe

They have been reported as one of the most common causes of maternal mortality in the aloe postpartum period. The presence of pain entails difficulties in the practice of motherhood and carry out daily activities, such as self-care, breastfeeding and newborn care. Also spoke with the women sleep, rest, movements, urination, evacuation and appetite. These difficulties may cause significant physical, psychological and emotional problems who cooperate with a negative tradition aloe experiences .

Breastfeeding, pain inhibits the release of aloe. the hormone responsible for the ejection reflex (let-down reflex) and the production of breast milk. Even when there is a regular production of breast milk; pain, fatigue and stress can hinder the delivery of aloe to newborn, increasing maternal anxiety even more and prevent the release of. is an antiseptic commonly used in Iran for disinfecting surgical and skin lesions, all midwives and obstetricians apply to care after childbirth.

aloe farm 5

To date, no study about and its side effects, has been executed in Iran. In a comparative study of and effectiveness of water, no significant difference was found between the two groups in wound healing. Various studies have demonstrated that aloe  does not promote wound healing, and even detrimental to wound healing, reduce wound strength or cause skin reactions. They showed  in a dose dependent manner can suppress the function of and lymphocytes. "The importance of this small are from all ratios for simplicity" Donald .

