Not a good sign ever is when fat green leaves of a potted aloe plant, commonly known medicinal aloe, turn brown as a brown thumb, but no need to cry or grinding teeth. Drugs aloe plant is a survivor, and perhaps to undo the damage by adjusting the plant sunshine, irrigation and / or soil.
Potted aloe drugs is a tough little plant that usually grows on a window, without requiring constant care.
It absolutely must have, but well drained soil. If the leaves of your medicines aloe conditioner, wilting or blackened or sensitive, check the bottom of the plant pot for ample drainage holes. The inner part of the container drain region will be covered by 2 inches of stones topped by gravel or sandy soil. If these elements are not present, then repot the plant properly, put it in a bright corner and patiently wait to recover. If the damage is so extensive that the roots of the plant are also coffee, then cut the root rot before transplanting the rest of the plant.
Water is suspect No. 2 when the leaves medicinal aloe darken or wilt. Even if the soil drains well of a potted aloe drugs do not do well in excess water. The plant is native to hot, dry climates of Africa, and the irrigation requirements are minimal. Never water the plant until the soil dries well the last drink. The exact time between watering days depends on many factors, including the size of the pot and the level of heat in your home.